To create your proxy credential for using GlobusOnline please follow the steps in CASE 1 or CASE 2: 

CASE 1) if you have requested a certificate to your certification authority 

  • Convert your certificate in a pem certificate. If it is a .p12 or a .pfx, convert it typing:

    bash$ openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in <name_certificate.{p12|pfx}> -out usercert.pem 
    Enter Import Password: <password used for backup of your .p12 certificate>
    MAC verified OK
    bash$ openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in <name_certificate.{p12|pfx}> -out userkey.pem 
    Enter Import Password: <password used for backup of your .p12 certificate> 
    MAC verified OK
    Enter PEM pass phrase: <password to encrypt your private key>
    Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase <password to encrypt your private key>
  •  Set the right permission to the file just created: 

    bash$ chmod 644 usercert.pem
    bash$ chmod 400 userkey.pem
  • Extract your own user DN (Distinguished Name) from the certificate, for example typing 

    bash$ openssl x509 -in usercert.pem -noout -subject | sed 's/subject= //'
  • To use GridFTP on CINECA clusters, the DN  has to be added to our userdb profile (  under the "personal data" section in the field X.509 certificate and following the specified syntax. To use globus-url-copy with the iRODS repository, you have been add as PI or collaborator to a DRES of type REPO.

  • Create the directory ~/.globus and copy here the usercert.pem ed userkey.pem.

  • Install the package myproxy, if the login machine isn't a CINECA cluster. The installation packages of the Grid Community Toolkit (GTC) are available through debian repository and epel repositories (for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS and Scientific Linux 6 and 7).

  • After the installation of myproxy package, type: 

    bash$ mkdir ~/.globus/certificates && cd ~/.globus/certificates 
    bash$ wget && tar -zxvf igtf-preinstalled-bundle-classic.tar.gz
    bash$ wget && tar -zxvf igtf-preinstalled-bundle-mics.tar.gz
    bash$ wget && tar -zxvf igtf-preinstalled-bundle-slcs.tar.gz
    bash$ wget && tar -zxvf igtf-preinstalled-bundle-iota.tar.gz

  • Create your proxy certificate (starting from your x509 certificate) by using the command:


  • Then store it in the proxy server by the command: 

    myproxy-init -s -l <username>

    By default, the proxy lifetime credential is 12 hours. Use the option "-c 0 -t <hours>" to modify such default. 

  • When you finish to use your proxy credential, destroy it by typing:

    myproxy-destroy -s -l <username> 

    NB The proxy will destroy oneself 12 hours running from its "init". So after this time you have to create again the proxy for a new transfer. 

CASE 2) if you have requested a certificate to CA-CINECA

The proxy credential are already created and stored on the CINECA myproxy-server. 

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