How to mount remote filesystem with FUSE (Filesystem in USEr space) on CentOS or Ubuntu

On CentOS:  

You will need to install a few packages that are not available in the standard CentOS repository. So, you must enable the EPEL repo:

yum install epel-release -y 

- Install FUSE (Filesystem in USEr space) and SSHFS packages 

yum install fuse sshfs
- Load the FUSE module

modprobe fuse

- Confirm that the FUSE module is loaded 

lsmod | grep fuse
fuse                  84368    2

- Optionally, make sure the FUSE module is loaded upon a reboot 

echo "modprobe fuse" >> /etc/rc.local 

- Using SSHFS. Once the FUSE module is loaded, you can mount your remote partition using SSHFS:

sshfs user@remote_host:/remote_directory  /local_mount_partition

If you have configured the login via ssh key authorization, you can use the following command:

sshfs user@remote_host:/remote_directory  /local_mount_partition -o IdentityFile=<absolute-path-with-key>

Note: If appear the following error 

fuse: bad mount point `/local_mount_partition': Transport endpoint is not connected

execute:      sudo fusermount -u /local_mount_partition

On Ubuntu

First you have to install FUSE and SSHFS packages with the apt-get comand:

apt-get install fuse 

apt-get install sshfs

Once the FUSE module is loaded, you can mount your remote partition using SSHFS:

sshfs user@remote_host:/remote_directory  /local_mount_partition

If you have configured the login via ssh key authorization, you can use the following command:

sshfs user@remote_host:/remote_directory  /local_mount_partition -o IdentityFile=<absolute-path-with-key>

Note: If appear the following error 

fuse: bad mount point `/local_mount_partition': Transport endpoint is not connected

execute :  sudo fusermount -u /local_mount_partition

How to use and configure Docker in your virtual machine

To use Docker in your virtual machine please set the MTU value at 1400 in the file  /etc/docker/daemon.json.  More in particular edit the file /etc/docker/daemon.json and then set

Rescue a Virtual Machine

Instance rescue provides a mechanism for access, even if an image renders the instance inaccessible. Two rescue modes are currently provided.

Ephemeral Virtual Machine

If the virtual machine has encrypted LUKS VOLUMES attached, it is mandatory to detach them before starting the rescue operation. 

The steps needed to rescue an inaccessible ephemeral virtual machine on ADA Cloud are:

Step 0.

Step 1.

Virtual Machine booted from a Bootable Volume

If the virtual machine has encrypted LUKS VOLUMES attached, it is mandatory to detach them before starting the rescue operation. 

The steps needed to rescue an inaccessible VM instantiated from a bootable volume on ADA Cloud are:

Step 0.

Step 1.

Resize a VM (a.k.a. change its flavor) 

Users are able to resize autonomously their VM, but, since there is a bug in current version the OpenStack Horizon in ADA cloud, this operation can be done only via OpenStack CLI

Before to perform the resize operation: 

  1. The VM must be shut off.  
  2. If there are encrypted LUKS VOLUMES attached to the virtual machine, it is mandatory that the user:

To resize a VM, it is necessary to: