
Trove is a database as a service (DBaaS) component of OpenStack. It provides a RESTful API for creating and managing databases and database users. It is a pluggable service that supports multiple database engines.

Trove is a part of the OpenStack project and is available as a service in ADA Cloud CINECA infrastructure. 

The Database service provides scalable and reliable cloud provisioning functionality for both relational and non-relational database engines. Users can quickly and easily use database features without the burden of handling complex administrative tasks. Cloud users and database administrators can provision and manage multiple database instances as needed.

The Database service provides resource isolation at high-performance levels, and automates complex administrative tasks such as deployment, configuration, patching, backups, restorations, and monitoring.

More details on Trove service can be found in the OpenStack Database Service User Guide.

What follows describes how to create a Database instance: two alternative approaches are described, one by using the OpenStack dashboard and the other by using the OpenStack command line.
At the end, it is shown how to access the Database instance. 

Creating the Database instance

1) Using the OpenStack dashboard

To create a database instance using the OpenStack dashboard, you can follow the steps below:

At the end, click on "Launch" on the right bottom to launch the Database instance. 

To access the created database you can refer to dedicated section.

2) Using the OpenStack command line


Software required

 To use OpenStack command line interface, the following packages are needed. It is recommended to install these packages in a virtual environment .

pip install python-openstackclient==5.8.0 
pip install python-troveclient 

For more information, see python-troveclient, a command-line client for the Trove API.

Setting up the environment variables

Make sure to have a valid Application Credential for the project in ADA Cloud. Please refer to the dedicated page where it is described how to get OpenStack Application Credentials.

Create the database instance

To create a database instance, you need to execute a command as "openstack database instance create <DB-INST-NAME>" specifying at least the following parameters:

For the full list of options please type the command: "openstack database instance create --help".

Make sure to create a network stack and copy the id of the network before creating a database instance. In the AdaCloud documentation you can find the instruction to create the network stack.

The example below shows how to create a database instance:

openstack database instance create MyTroveDB --flavor fl.ada.xxs --datastore mysql --datastore-version 5.7.29 --size 10 --nic net-id=<network-id> \
--databases test --is-public --users <user-name>:<password> --allowed-cidr xx.xx.xx.xx/y

| Field                    | Value                                |
| allowed_cidrs            | [xx.xx.xx.xx/y]                      |
| created                  | 2023-03-30T10:09:46                  |
| datastore                | mysql                                |
| datastore_version        | 5.7.29                               |
| datastore_version_number | 5.7.29                               |
| flavor                   | 3496e9e0-60c4-471a-99ce-51f3d0a8048b |
| id                       | --- the ID of the DB instance        |
| name                     | MyTroveDB		                      |
| operating_status         |                                      |
| public                   | True                                 |
| region                   | RegionOne                            |
| service_status_updated   | 2023-03-30T10:09:46                  |
| status                   | BUILD                                |
| updated                  | 2023-03-30T10:09:46                  |
| volume                   | 10                                   |

Once created, successfully,

The allowed-cidr address will determine whether the database/s can be accessed from outside of the network. If the user wants to access the database from another VM in the same network then the user has to specify the CIDR of the network where the VM belongs to, whereas, for public internet access, the user has to specify the CIDR of the public network (for example for all internet or a sub-range). 

Check the status of the database instance

To check the status of a database instance, please use the following commands:

$ openstack database instance list    # will list all the database instances present in the cluster

| ID                                   | Name            | Datastore | Datastore Version | Status | Operating Status | Public | Addresses                                                                                          | Flavor ID                            | Size | Role |
| <id-of-the-database-instance>        | MyTroveDB       | mysql     | 5.7.29            | ACTIVE | HEALTHY          | True   | [{'address': 'xx.xx.xx.xx', 'type': 'private'}, {'address': 'xx.xx.xx.xx', 'type': 'public'}]      | 7595d735-6de4-415f-a958-838089a09080 |   10 |      |

With the ID of the database instance just created, you can check its status with the following command:

$ openstack database instance show <id-of-the-database-instance> 	

| Field                    | Value                                                                                               |
| addresses                | [{'address': 'xx.xx.xx.xx', 'type': 'private'}, {'address': 'xx.xx.xx.xx', 'type': 'public'}] 		 |
| allowed_cidrs            | ['xx.xx.xx.xx/y', 'xx.xx.xx.xx/y']                                                               	 |
| created                  | 2023-06-09T09:19:11                                                                                 |
| datastore                | mysql                                                                                               |
| datastore_version        | 5.7.29                                                                                              |
| datastore_version_number | 5.7.29                                                                                              |
| flavor                   | 7595d735-6de4-415f-a958-838089a09080                                                                |
| id                       | --- the ID of the DB instance                                                                       |
| ip                       | xx.xx.xx.xx, xx.xx.xx.xx	                                                                         |
| name                     | MyTroveDB                                                                                           |
| operating_status         | HEALTHY                                                                                             |
| public                   | True                                                                                                |
| region                   | RegionOne                                                                                           |
| service_status_updated   | 2023-06-09T09:22:21                                                                                 |
| status                   | ACTIVE                                                                                              |
| updated                  | 2023-06-09T09:20:48                                                                                 |
| volume                   | 10                                                                                                  |
| volume_used              | 0.22                                                                                                |

Also, check the status and the operating_status. If the status is ACTIVE, then the database instance is ready to use. It may takes some time to get the database instance in ACTIVE state after being created.

To access the created database you can refer to dedicated section.

Accessing the Database instance

To access the database instance, the typical SQL command (depending on the datastore you chose for your database instance) can be used.
In the below example of a MySQL database instance, it is shown how to access the database. After you successfully install the MySQL client, use the following commands to access the database:

$ mysql -h <ip-address-of-db-instance> -u<user-name> -p<password>


mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 16
Server version: 5.7.29 MySQL Community Server (GPL)

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Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.


Once you accessed the database, a mysql prompt will be available. You can check the list of databases using the following command:

mysql> show databases;

show databases

| Database           |
| information_schema |
| test               |
2 rows in set (0,02 sec)

How to list the available datastore and their version using OpenStack CLI

A datastore is a database engine that is supported by Trove and it is used to create the database instance. On ADA Cloud the following datastores namely MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL are available.

$ openstack datastore list  # shows all datastores available in Cloud infrastructure

| ID                                   | Name       |
| b2103dff-9331-4be2-8193-170f2a509e16 | mariadb    |
| ed541d5a-d260-4b6b-ac80-74ac38167d70 | mysql      |
| e8d12fef-3c54-4e83-818c-4a89a104780d | postgresql |

$ openstack datastore version list mysql  

| ID                                   | Name   | Version |
| a6ee8255-2d71-4e22-b68d-1d0e5919e74a | 5.7.29 | 5.7.29  |
| 434292f3-2074-4033-8f19-07874cbe5b7d | 8.0.29 | 8.0.29  |

You will find Version, Name, and ID of the mysql datastores available in AdaCloud.

Note: The Version is important, as we have to specify the version of the datastore while creating the database instance. For more information about the version, use the following command:

$ openstack datastore version show a6ee8255-2d71-4e22-b68d-1d0e5919e74a # shows details of a version

| Field     | Value                                |
| datastore | ed541d5a-d260-4b6b-ac80-74ac38167d70 |
| id        | a6ee8255-2d71-4e22-b68d-1d0e5919e74a |
| name      | 5.7.29                               |
| version   | 5.7.29                               |