This page is for all the users that already have assigned CINECA HPC cloud resources (reachable at the url ) and

expressed their willingness to migrate to the new ADA cloud CINECA HPC infrastructure. 

The new ADA cloud CINECA HPC infrastructure is based on OpenStack Wallaby version, and the Horizon dashboard is reachable at the url

All the migrated projects will have a new name, and you will receive an email when your new migrated project will be created into the UserDB portal .

By login into the UserDB portal, you will find your new project listed among your projects.

Afted one day from the notification email, you will be able to login into the OpenStack dashboard e start the setup of the cloud environment. 

Please, note that:

Migration of the OpenStack objects: virtual machines (VM), cinder volumes and images. 

All the OpenStack objects will be transferred as cinder volumes:

For each project, all the objects that you want migrate, listed in the email that you wrote us in June, will be hot-mirrored, so that no long downtime will occurred.

In other terms, we will activate the mirroring of VM and volumes while they are up&running in the old infrastructure. 

At the end of  the mirroring phase, we will ask you to shut down your VMs and detach the volumes in order to finalize the mirroring. 

To shut down your VMs in a secure way, please:

At the end of the migration, for each VM, volume and image, you will receive an email  with

For each object, please, select the project on which such object has to be stored,

Click on "Project → Volumes → Volumes" and then click on the button "Accept Transfer" on the right of the page. Insert the "transfer id" and "transfer key" provided in the email.

At the end of the transfer, you will have everything listed in the "Volumes" page.

Restart the VM just transferred

To restart a just transferred VM in the new infrastructure, select the corresponding volume, click on "Edit" button at the right side of the page and check "Bootable".

Starting from this bootable volume you can launch your instance VM.

For any questions please write to .