
early availability:      April 20, 2020

start of production: April 27, 2020

This system is an upgrade of the "not conventional" partition of the Marconi Tier-0 system. It is an accelerated cluster based on Power9 chips and Volta NVIDIA GPUs, acquired by Cineca within the PPI4HPC  European initiative.

System Architecture

Architecture: IBM Power 9 AC922
Internal Network: 
Mellanox Infiniband EDR DragonFly+
Storage: 8 PB (raw) GPFS of local storage

Login nodes: 8 Login IBM Power9 LC922 (similar to the compute nodes)

Model: IBM Power AC922 (Whiterspoon)

Racks: 55 total (49 compute)
Nodes: 980
Processors: 2x16 cores IBM POWER9 AC922 at 3.1 GHz
Accelerators: 4 x NVIDIA Volta V100 GPUs/node, Nvlink 2.0, 16GB
Cores: 32 cores/node, Hyperthreading x4
RAM: 256 GB/node (242 usable)
Peak Performance: about 32 Pflop/s
Internal Network: Mellanox IB EDR DragonFly++
Disk Space: 8PB raw GPFS storage

More technical details on this architecture can be found on the IBM RedBook series:


All the login nodes have an identical environment and can be reached with SSH (Secure Shell) protocol using the "collective" hostname:


which establishes a connection to one of the available login nodes.  To connect to Marconi100 you can also indicate explicitly  the login nodes:


For information about data transfer from other computers please follow the instructions and caveats on the dedicated section Data storage or the document  Data Management.


For accounting information please consult our dedicated section.

The account_no (or project) is important for batch executions. You need to indicate an account_no to be accounted for in the scheduler, using the flag "-A"

#SBATCH -A <account_no>

With the "saldo -b" command you can list all the account_no associated with your username. 

> saldo -b   (reports projects defined on M100 )

Please note that the accounting is in terms of consumed core hours, but it strongly depends also on the requested memory and number of GPUs, please refer to the dedicated section.

Budget Linearization policy

On M100, as on the other HPC clusters in Cineca, a linearization policy for the usage of project budgets has been defined and implemented. The goal is to improve the response time, giving users the opportunity of using the cpu hours assigned to their project in relation to their actual size (total amount of core-hours).

Disks and Filesystems

The storage organization conforms to the CINECA infrastructure (see Section Data Storage and Filesystems). 

In addition to the home directory $HOME, for each user is defined a scratch area $CINECA_SCRATCH, a large disk for the storage of run time data and files. 

$WORK area is defined for each active project on the system, reserved for all the collaborators of the project. This is a safe storage area to keep run time data for the whole life of the project.

Total Dimension (TB)

Quota (GB)


  • permanent/backed up, user specific, local
$CINECA_SCRATCH2.000no quota
  • temporary, user specific, local
  • no backup
  • automatic cleaning procedure of data older than 40 days (time interval can be reduced in case of critical usage ratio of the area. In this case, users will be notified via HPC-News)
  • permanent, project specific, local
  • no backup
  • extensions can be considered if needed (mailto:

$DRES environment variable points to the shared repository where Data RESources are maintained. This is a data archive area available only on-request, shared with all CINECA HPC systems and among different projects. $DRES is not mounted on the compute nodes of the production partitions and can be accessed only from login nodes and from the nodes of the serial partition. This means that you cannot access it within a standard batch job: all data needed during the batch execution has to be moved to $WORK or $CINECA_SCRATCH before the run starts, either from the login nodes or via a job submitted to the serial partition. 

Since all the filesystems are based on IBM Spectrum Scale™ file system (formerly GPFS), the usual unix command "quota" is not working. Use the local command cindata to query for disk usage and quota ("cindata -h" for help):

> cindata

Modules environment

The software modules are collected in different profiles and organized by functional categories (compilers, libraries, tools, applications,..). The profiles are of two types, “domain” type (chem, phys, lifesc,..) for the production activity and “programming” type (base and advanced) for compilation, debugging and profiling activities and that they can be loaded together.

"Base" profile is the default. It is automatically loaded after login and it contains basic modules for the programming activities (intel e gnu compilers, math libraries, profiling and debugging tools,..).

If you want to use a module placed under other profiles, for example an application module, you will have to load preventively the corresponding profile:

>module load profile/<profile name>
>module load autoload <module name>

For listing all profiles you have loaded you can use the following command:

>module list

In order to detect all profiles, categories and modules available on MARCONI100 the command “modmap” is available. With modmap you can see if the desired module is available and which profile you have to load to use it.

>modmap -m <module_name>

 Spack environment

In case you don't find a software you are interested in, you can install it by yourself. 
In this case, on Marconi100 we also offer the possibility to use the “spack” environment by loading the corresponding module. Please refer to the dedicated section in UG2.6: Production Environment

GPU and intra/inter connection environment

Marconi100 consists of 980 compute nodes and 8 login nodes, connected with a Mellanox Infiniband EDR network arranged into an architecture called DragonFly ++.

The login nodes and the compute nodes are exactly the same. Each node consists in 2 Power9 sockets, each of them with 16 cores and 2 Volta GPUs (32 cores and 4 GPUs per node). The multi-threading is active with 4 threads per physical core (128 total threads – or logical cpus – per node).

Due to how the hardware is detected on a Power9 architecture, the numbering of (logical) cpus follows the order of threading. You can get it with the ppc64_cpu command:

$ ppc64_cpu --info
Core   0:   0*   1*   2*   3*
Core   1: 4* 5* 6* 7*
Core   2: 8* 9* 10* 11*
Core   3: 12* 13* 14* 15*
...... (Cores from 4 to 28)........
Core  29: 116* 117* 118* 119* 
Core  30: 120* 121* 122* 123*
Core  31: 124* 125* 126* 127*

The topology of the node can be visualized by running the command nvidia-smi as follows:

$ nvidia-smi topo -m
        GPU0   GPU1   GPU2   GPU3   CPU Affinity
GPU0     X     NV3    SYS    SYS    0-63
GPU1    NV3     X     SYS    SYS    0-63
GPU2    SYS    SYS     X     NV3    64-127
GPU3    SYS    SYS    NV3     X     64-127

From the output of the command it is possible to see that GPU0 and GPU1 are connected with the NVLink (NV3), as well as the couple GPU2 & GPU3. The first couple is connected to (virtual) cpus 0-63 (on the first socket), the second to (virtual) cpus 64-127 (on the second socket). The cpus are numbered from 0 to 127 because of a hyperthreading. The two Power9 sockets are connected by a 64 GBps X bus. Each of them is connected with 2 GPUs via NVLink 2.0.

Courtesy of IBM

The knowlwdge of the topology of the node is important for correctly distribute the parallel threads of your applications in order to get the best performances.

 The internode communications is based on a Mellanox Infiniband EDR network, and the OpenMPI and IBM MPI Spectrum libraries are configured so to exploit the Mellanox Fabric Collective Accelerators (also on CUDA memories) and Messaging Accelerators.

nVIDIA GPUDirect technology is fully supported (shared memory, peer-to-peer, RDMA, async), enabling the use of CUDA-aware MPI.

Production environment

Since M100 is a general purpose system and it is used by several users at the same time, long production jobs must be submitted using a queuing system (scheduler). This guarantees that the access to the resources is as fair as possible. On Marconi100 the available scheduler is SLURM.

Marconi100 is based on a policy of node sharing among different jobs, i.e. a job can ask for resources and these can also be a part of a node, for example few cores and 1 GPUs. This means that, at a given time, one physical node can be allocated to multiple jobs of different users. Nevertheless, exclusivity at the level of the single core and GPU is guaranteed by low-level mechanisms.

Roughly speaking, there are two different modes to use an HPC system: Interactive and Batch. For a general discussion see the section Production Environment and Tools.


A serial program can be executed in the standard UNIX way:

> ./program

This is allowed only for very short runs on the login nodes, since the interactive environment has a 10 minutes cpu-time limitPlease do not execute parallel applications on the login nodes!

A serial (or parallel) program, also using GPUs and needing more than 10 minutes can be executed interactively within an "Interactive" SLURM batch job.

A request for resources allocation on the compute nodes is delivered to SLURM with the salloc/srun commands, the request is queued and scheduled as any other batch job but, when granted, the standard input, output, and error streams of the interactive job are connected to the terminal session from which the request was launched.

For example, to start an interactive session on one node and get the full node in exclusive way (including the four GPUs) for one hour, launch the command:

> salloc -N1 --exclusive --gres=gpu:4 -A <account_name> -p <partition_name> --time=01:00:00
salloc: Granted job allocation 1174
  Run here your applications using srun or mpirun for example:
- srun -n 1 serial.exe  (serial or OpenMP application)
- srun -n 4 parallel.exe (MPI or mixed application)
  Stop the session with exit or ^D
salloc: Relinquishing job allocation 1174

In the following is reported an interactive job on 2 cores and two GPUs. Within the job a parallel (MPI) program using 2 MPI tasks and two GPUs is executed. Since the request of tasks per node (--ntasks-per-node) refers to the 128 (virtual) cpus, if you want 2 physical cores you also have to specify that each task is made of 4 (virtual) cpus (--npus-per-taks=4).

> salloc -N1 --ntasks-per-node=2 --cpus-per-task=4 --gres=gpu:2 -A <account_name> -p <partition_name> --time=01:00:00
salloc: Granted job allocation 1175
>  srun ./myprogram
> exit

SLURM automatically exports the environment variables you defined in the source shell, so that if you need to run your program "myprogram" in a controlled environment (i.e. specific library paths or options), you can prepare the environment in the origin shell being sure to find it in the interactive shell.

A more specific description of the options used by salloc/srun to allocate resources or to give direction to SLURM on how to place tasks and threads on the resources (pinning) is reported later in the “Batch” section, because they are the same of the sbatch command described there.


As usual on systems using SLURM, you can submit a script script.x using the command:

> sbatch script.x

You can get a list of defined partitions with the command:

> sinfo

You can simplify the output reported by the sinfo command specifying the output format via the "-o" option. A minimal output is reported, for instance, with:

> sinfo -o "%10D %20F %P"

which shows, for each partition, the total number of nodes and the number of nodes by the state in the format "Allocated/Idle/Other/Total".

Please note that the recommended way to launch parallel tasks in slurm jobs is with srun. By using srun vs mpirun you will get full support for process tracking, accounting, task affinity, suspend/resume and other features.

For more information and examples of job scripts, see section Batch Scheduler SLURM.

Submitting serial Batch jobs

The m100_all_serial partition is available with a maximum walltime of 4 hours, 1 task and 7600 MB per job. It runs on two dedicated nodes (equipped with 4 Volta GPUs), and it is designed for pre/post-processing serial analysis (using or not the GPUs), and for moving your data (via rsync, scp etc.) in case more than 10 minutes are required to complete the data transfer. This is the default partition, which is assumed by SLURM if you do not explicit request a partition with the flag "--partition" or "-p". You can however explicitly request it in your batch script with the directive:

#SBATCH -p m100_all_serial

Submitting Batch jobs for production

Not all of the partitions are open to access by the academic community as some are reserved to dedicated classes of users (for example *_fua_ * partitions are for EUROfusion users):

Each node exposes itself to SLURM as having 32 cores, 4 GPUs and 246000 MB memory. SLURM assigns a node in shared way, assigning to the job only the resources required and allowing multiple jobs to run on the same node/nodes. If you want to have the node/s in exclusive mode, ask for all the resources of the node (either ntasks-per-node=32 or mem=246000).

The maximum memory which can be requested is 246000 MB (average memory per physical core ~ 7GB) and this value guarantees that no memory swapping will occur. 

For example, to request one core and one GPU in a production queue the following SLURM job script can be used:

#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1 # this refers to the number of requested gpus per node, and can vary between 1 and 4
#SBATCH -A <account_name>
#SBATCH --mem=7100 # this refers to the requested memory per node with a maximum of 246000
#SBATCH -p m100_usr_prod
#SBATCH --time 00:10:00 # format: HH:MM:SS
#SBATCH --job-name=my_batch_job
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH --mail-user=<user_email>

srun ./myexecutable

Users with exhausted but still active projects are allowed to keep using the cluster resources, even if at a very low priority, by adding the  "qos_lowprio" flag to their job:

#SBATCH --qos=qos_lowprio

This QOS is automatically associated to Eurofusion users once their projects exhaust the budget before their expiry date. For all the other users, please ask to request the QOS association.


In the following table, you can find all the main features and limits imposed on the queues/Partitions of M100. 



Job QOS# cores/# GPU per job
max walltime

max running jobs per user/

max n. of cpus/nodes/GPUs per user

max memory per node




(default partition)


max = 1 core, 1 GPU

(max mem= 7600 MB)


4 cpus/1 GPU



max = 2 nodes

02:00:002 nodes/64 cpus/8 GPUs

runs on 12 nodes

#SBATCH -p m100_usr_prod

#SBATCH --qos=m100_qos_dbg


max = 16 nodes

24:00:0010 jobs24600040

runs on 880 nodes

#SBATCH -p m100_usr_prod


min = 17 nodes

max = 256 nodes


256 nodes


runs on 256 nodes

#SBATCH -p m100_usr_prod

#SBATCH --qos=m100_qos_bprod

m100_fua_prodm100_qos_fuadbgmax = 2 nodes02:00:00

runs on 12 nodes

#SBATCH -p m100_fua_prod

#SBATCH --qos=m100_qos_fuadbg

m100_fua_prodnormalmax = 16 nodes1-00:00:00

runs on 68 nodes

#SBATCH -p m100_fua_prod

qos_special>256 nodes



#SBATCH --qos=qos_special

request to

qos_lowpriomax = 16 nodes24:00:00

#SBATCH --qos=qos_lowprio

Non-Eurofusion users: request to

Graphic session

If a graphic session is desired we recommend to use the tool RCM (Remote Connection Manager)For additional information visit Remote Visualization section on our User Guide.

Programming environment

The programming environment of the M100 cluster consists of a choice of compilers for the main scientific languages (Fortran, C and C++), debuggers to help users in finding bugs and errors in the codes, profilers to help in code optimisation.

In general, you must "load" the correct environment also for using programming tools like compilers, since "native" compilers are not available.

If you use a given set of compilers and libraries to create your executable, very probably you have to define the same "environment" when you want to run it. This is because, since by default linking is dynamic on Linux systems, at runtime the application will need the compiler shared libraries as well as other proprietary libraries. This means that you have to specify "module load" for compilers and libraries, both at compile time and at run time. To minimize the number of needed modules at runtime, use static linking to compile the applications.


You can check the complete list of available compilers on MARCONI with the command:

> module available

and checking the "compilers" section. The available compilers are:


The XL compiler family offers C, C++, and Fortran compilers designed for optimization and improvement of code generation, exploiting the inherent opportunities in Power Architecture.

The xl/16.1.1–binary module provides:

The name of the XL C/C++ and Fortran compilers are:

InvocationsUsage (supported standards)

xlc, xlc_r  

Compile C source files.

(ANSI C89, ISO C99, IBM language extensions)

xlc++, xlc++_r, xlC, xlC_rCompile C++ source files.

cc, cc_r

Compile legacy code that does not conform to Standard C. (pre-ANSI C)

c89, c89_r

Compile C source files with strict conformance to the C89 standard. (ANSI C89)

c99, c99_r

Compile C source files with strict conformance to the C99 standard. (ISO 99)

xlf, xlf_r, f77,fort77Compile FORTRAN 77 source files
xlf90, xlf90_r, f90Compile FORTRAN 90 source files
xlf95, xlf95_r, f95Compile FORTRAN 95 source files
xlf2003, xlf2003_r, f2003Compile FORTRAN 2003 source files
xlf2008, xlf2008_r, f2008Compile FORTRAN 2008 source files
xlcufCompile CUDA FORTRAN  source files

The main difference between these commands is that they use different default options (which are set in the configuration files /cineca/prod/opt/compilers/xl/16.1.1/binary/xlC/16.1.1/etc/xlc.cfg.rhel.7.6.gcc.8.4.0.cuda.10.1 and /cineca/prod/opt/compilers/xl/16.1.1/binary/xlf/16.1.1/etc/xlf.cfg.rhel.7.6.gcc.8.4.0.cuda.10.1 respectively for the C/C++ and Fortran compilers).

All the invocation commands can be used to link programs that use multithreading. The _r versions are for backward-compatibility.

To learn more about the XL Fortran for Linux compiler, access the online product documentation in IBM Knowledge Center for the XL C/C++ compiler and the XL Fortran compiler.        

The OpenMP parallelization is enabled by the -qsmp compiler option. If -qsmp=omp is specified, strict OpenMP compliance is applied on the compiling programs. Please refer to the official OpenMP support in IBM XL compilers documentation.


Initialize the environment with the module command:

> module load pgi

The name of the PGI compilers are:

The documentation can be obtained with the man command after loading the relevant module:

> man pgf95
> man pgcc

Some miscellanous flags are described in the following:

-Mextend            To extend over the 77 column F77's limit
-Mfree / -Mfixed    Free/Fixed form for Fortran
-fast               Chooses generally optimal flags for the target platform
-fastsse            Chooses generally optimal flags for a processor that supports SSE instructions

GNU compilers

The gnu compilers are always available but they are not the best optimizing compilers, it ensures the maximum portability. You do not need to load the module for using them.

Initialize the environment with the module command:

> module load gnu

The name of the GNU compilers are:

The documentation can be obtained with the man command:

> man gfortan
> man gcc

Some miscellaneous flags are described in the following:

-ffixed-line-length-132       To extend over the 77 column F77's limit
-ffree-form / -ffixed-form    Free/Fixed form for Fortran


Compute Unified Device Architecture is a parallel computing platform and programming model developed by NVIDIA for general computing on graphical processing units (GPUs). With CUDA, developers are able to dramatically speed up computing applications by harnessing the power of GPUs. 

In GPU-accelerated applications, the sequential part of the workload runs on the CPU – which is optimized for single-threaded performance – while the compute intensive portion of the application runs on thousands of GPU cores in parallel. When using CUDA, developers program in popular languages such as C, C++, Fortran, Python and MATLAB and express parallelism through extensions in the form of a few basic keywords. We refer to the NVIDIA CUDA Parallel Computing Platform documentation.


Debugger and Profilers

If at runtime your code dies, then there is a problem. In order to solve it, you can decide to analyze the core file (core not available with PGI compilers) or to run your code using the debugger.

Compiler flags

Whatever your decision, in any case, you need to enable compiler runtime checks, by putting specific flags during the compilation phase. In the following we describe those flags for the different Fortran compilers: if you are using the C or C++ compiler, please check before because the flags may differ.

The following flags are generally available for all compilers and are mandatory for an easier debugging session:

-O0     Lower level of optimization
-g      Produce debugging information

Other flags are compiler specific and are described in the following:

XL Fortran compiler

to be added...

PORTLAND Group (PGI) Compilers

The following flags are useful (in addition to "-O0 -g") for debugging your code:

-C                     Add array bounds checking
-Ktrap=ovf,divz,inv    Controls the behavior of the processor when exceptions occur: 
                       FP overflow, divide by zero, invalid operands
GNU Fortran compilers

The following flags are useful (in addition to "-O0 -g")for debugging your code:

-Wall             Enables warnings pertaining to usage that should be avoided
-fbounds-check    Checks for array subscripts.

Debuggers available


The TotalView debugger is a programmable tool that lets you debug, analyze, and tune the performance of complex serial, multiprocessor, and multithreaded programs.
TotalView has many features and it gives you a great number of tools for finding your program's problems.

Details on how to use totalview are in


Scalasca is a tool for profiling parallel scientific and engineering applications that make use of MPI and OpenMP.

Details how to use scalasca in

PGI: pgdbg (serial/parallel debugger)

pgdbg is the Portland Group Inc. symbolic source-level debugger for F77, F90, C, C++ and assembly language programs. It is capable of debugging applications that exhibit various levels of parallelism.

GNU: gdb (serial debugger)

GDB is the GNU Project debugger and allows you to see what is going on 'inside' your program while it executes -- or what the program was doing at the moment it crashed.


Valgrind is a framework for building dynamic analysis tools. There are Valgrind tools that can automatically detect many memory management and threading bugs, and profile your programs in detail. The Valgrind distribution currently includes six production-quality tools: a memory error detector, two thread error detectors, a cache and branch-prediction profiler, a call-graph generating cache profiler, and a heap profiler.

Valgrind is Open Source / Free Software, and is freely available under the GNU General Public License, version 2.

Profilers (gprof)

In software engineering, profiling is the investigation of a program's behavior using information gathered as the program executes. The usual purpose of this analysis is to determine which sections of a program to optimize - to increase its overall speed, decrease its memory requirement or sometimes both.

A (code) profiler is a performance analysis tool that, most commonly, measures only the frequency and duration of function calls, but there are other specific types of profilers (e.g. memory profilers) in addition to more comprehensive profilers, capable of gathering extensive performance data.


The GNU profiler gprof is a useful tool for measuring the performance of a program. It records the number of calls to each function and the amount of time spent there, on a per-function basis. Functions which consume a large fraction of the run-time can be identified easily from the output of gprof. Efforts to speed up a program should concentrate first on those functions which dominate the total run-time.

gprof uses data collected by the -pg compiler flag to construct a text display of the functions within your application (call tree and CPU time spent in every subroutine). It also provides quick access to the profiled data, which let you identify the functions that are the most CPU-intensive. The text display also lets you manipulate the display in order to focus on the application's critical areas.


>  gfortran -pg -O3 -o myexec myprog.f90
> ./myexec
> ls -ltr
   -rw-r--r-- 1 aer0 cineca-staff    506 Apr  6 15:33 gmon.out
> gprof myexec gmon.out

It is also possible to profile at code line-level (see "man gprof" for other options). In this case, you must use also the “-g” flag at compilation time:

>  gfortran -pg -g -O3 -o myexec myprog.f90
> ./myexec
> ls -ltr
   -rw-r--r-- 1 aer0 cineca-staff    506 Apr  6 15:33 gmon.out
> gprof -annotated-source myexec gmon.out

It is possible to profile MPI programs. In this case, the environment variable GMON_OUT_PREFIX must be defined in order to allow to each task to write a different statistical file. Setting

export GMON_OUT_PREFIX=<name>

 once the run is finished each task will create a file with its process ID (PID) extension


 If the environmental variable is not set every task will write the same gmon.out file.

Scientific libraries

Engineering and Scientific Subroutine Library (ESSL)

Scientific libraries designed for Power architecture included in the XL compiler package, 

> module load essl/6.2.1
