early availability: March, 2023
start of production: April, 2023 (Booster)
last quarter 2023 (Data Centric)
This system is the new pre-exascale Tier-0 EuroHPC supercomputer hosted by CINECA and currently built in the Bologna Technopole, Italy. It is supplied by ATOS, based on a BullSequana XH2135 supercomputer nodes, each with four NVIDIA Tensor Core GPUs and a single Intel CPU. It also uses NVIDIA Mellanox HDR 200Gb/s InfiniBand connectivity, with smart in-network computing acceleration engines that enable extremely low latency and high data throughput to provide the highest AI and HPC application performance and scalability.
System Architecture
Architecture: Atos BullSequana XH21355 "Da Vinci" blade - Booster (in β preproduction) - Atos BullSequana X2610 compute blade - Data-centric (will be available in the last quarter of the 2023)
Internal Network: Nvidia Mellanox HDRDragonFly+ 200 Gb/s
Storage: 106 PB (raw) Large capacity storage, 620 GB/s
High Perormance Storage 5.4 PB, 1.4 TB/s Based on 31 x DDN Exascaler ES400NVX2
Login nodes: in β production 1 (16 later)