Versions Compared


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In this page:

  • Architecture
  • Compilation
  • Execution
  • MPI Compilation
  • MPI Execution
  • Hybrid Execution
  • Some examples
  • Accounting



Intel Xeon Phi is the first Intel Many Integrated Core (Intel MIC) architecture product.  Each card consists of 60 physical cores (@1.1 Ghz) and each core is able to handle up to 4 threads using hyperthreading. Each core has one Vector Processing Unit able to deliver, for each clock cycle:

  • 8 Fused Multiply and Add (FMA) floating point operations in double precision
  • 16 Fused Multiply and Add (FMA) floating point operations in single precision.

So the Phi has a peak performance of

  • 1056 GFlops in double precision
  • 2112 Gflops in single precision

Each Phi coprocessor has a RAM memory of 8 GB, and a peak bandwidth of 352 GB/s.



The MPSS environment (Intel® Manycore Platform Software Stack) is available also on the front-end. Therefore, you do not need to be logged inside a compute node hosting the MIC cards to compile a code to run on MIC. Anyway you still have to set environment for mic:

module load intel (i.e. compiler suite)
module load mkl (if necessary – i.e. math libraries)
source $INTEL_HOME/bin/ intel64 (to set up the environment variables)


Now you can compile your code. Pay attention that, depending on the way you intend to run your code (offload or native), you have to follow different procedures:

1) For codes meant to be run with the MIC offload attributes, you have to add the proper pragmas in your source code and compile it as usual. For example, use the Intel C++ compiler on the "hello_offload.cpp" code:

icpc -openmp hello_offload.cpp -o exe-offload.x


2)  For MIC-native codes, you have to actually cross-compile by adding the –mmic flag. For example, use the Intel C++ compiler on the "hello_native.cpp" code:

icpc hello_native.cpp -openmp -mmic -o exe-native.x

Please note that if you need to run native codes linking the mkl libraries, you need tosource the additional, proper configuration script ( with the "mic" switch":

source $INTEL_HOME/composer_xe_2015/mkl/bin/ mic (if necessary - i.e. math libraries)
icc mycode_withmkl_native.c -openmp -mmic -l<mkl_libs> -o mycode_withmkl_native.x


Offload programs are executed directly on the MIC node, from an interactive batch session or even by a batch script (requesting MIC cards with the nmics parameter). Note that the sourcing of the script is important for making the node see the MICs during execution.

Offload programs execution through an interactive batch session
qsub -A <account_name> -I -l select=1:ncpus=1:nmics=1
qsub: waiting for job 31085.node129 to start
qsub: job 31085.node129 ready


module load intel
source $INTEL_HOME/bin/ intel64


Offload programs execution through a batch script
#PBS -o job.out
#PBS -j eo
#PBS -l walltime=0:10:00
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:nmics=1
#PBS -A <my_account>


module load intel
source $INTEL_HOME/bin/ intel64


MIC-native programs need to be executed inside the MIC card itself. In order to log into a MIC card you have to:

  • login to a MIC node with a PBS interactive session requesting at least 1 mic (nmics=1);
  • use the "get_dev_list" script (available by loading the "superc" module) in order to get the name of the specific MIC card assigned to you. The script will produce in output an hostfile named <job_id>_dev_hostfile containing the lists of the assigned cards;
  • connect through ssh into the MIC card (in the example node254-mic0)
Mic-native programs execution through an interactive batch session
qsub -A <account_name> -I -l select=1:ncpus=1:nmics=1
qsub: waiting for job 10876.io01 to start
qsub: job 10876.io01 ready
module load superc
cat ${PBS_JOBID}_dev_hostfile
ssh node254-mic0 (*)

(*) In order to SSH access the mic card you have to create the public key of the Galileo username
in your $HOME from login node

 At this point you will be prompted in the home space of the MIC card you’ve logged into. Here, the usual environment variables are not set, therefore the module command won’t work and your scratch space (which is mounted on the MIC card) has to be indicated with the full path instead of $CINECA_SCRATCH.

For executing your native-MIC program, you need to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable manually, by adding the path of the intel libraries specific for MIC execution:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/cineca/prod/compilers/intel/cs-xe-2015/binary/lib/mic:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}

 You may need to add also path for mkl and/or tbb (Intel® Thread Building Blocks) MIC libraries:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/cineca/prod/compilers/intel/cs-xe-2015/binary/mkl/lib/mic:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/cineca/prod/compilers/intel/cs-xe-2015/binary/tbb/lib/mic:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}

When everything is ready, you can launch your code as usual.

cd /gpfs/scratch/userexternal/<myuser>


MPI Compilation

In order to compile an application suited for MICs, you need the MPSS environment (Intel® Manycore Platform Software Stack) to be set

module load intel (i.e. compiler suite)
module load intelmpi (i.e. mpi library)
source $INTEL_HOME/bin/ intel64 (to set up the environment variables)

Now you can compile your code. For MIC-native codes, you have to actually cross-compile by adding the –mmic flag. For program written in C use  "mpicc", for program written in Fortran you have to use the "mpifc" command

mpicc -O3 -mmic mpi_code.c
mpifc -O3 -mmic mpi_code.f


MPI Execution

MIC-native codes can be launched from MIC node, once you get  your MIC card  through qsub (in the example node254-mic0)

MPI mic-native programs execution through an interactive batch session
qsub -A <account_name> -I -l select=1:ncpus=1:nmics=1
qsub: waiting for job 31085.nodeio1 to start
qsub: job 31085.nodeio1 ready
module load superc
cat ${PBS_JOBID}_dev_hostfile


When you know your MIC card (in the example node254-mic0) you can lanch your MPI program (in the example using 30 tasks). Before MPI on MIC must be enabled setting the I_MPI_MIC  environment variable

module load intel
module load intelmpi

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/cineca/prod/compilers/intel/cs-xe-2015/binary/lib/mic:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
export I_MPI_MIC=enable

mpirun.mic  -host node254-mic0 -np 30  ./a.out

(*) you have to create the public key of the Galileo username in your $HOME from login node

Attention: use only the "mpirun.mic" command, "mpiexec" doesn't work correctly

If you need pass some variables you have to use the -"genv" flag

export I_MPI_MIC=enable
mpirun.mic -genv I_MPI_DEBUG 0 -genv I_MPI_PIN 1 -host node254-mic0 -np 30  ./a.out

 if you want to use two MIC cards (so you have to ask for two MICs by setting "nmics=2" in your qsub request) you can set the number of tasks per card via the -perhost command

export I_MPI_MIC=enable
mpirun.mic  -host node254-mic0,node254-mic1 -perhost 15 -np 30  ./a.out

 Alternatively, you can use the hostfile produced by the "get_dev_list" command (<job_id>_dev_hostfile)

export I_MPI_MIC=enable
mpirun.mic -machinefile ${PBS_JOBID}_dev_hostfile -np 30  ./a.out
cat ${PBS_JOBID}_dev_hostfile
MPI mic-native programs execution through a batch script
#PBS -o job.out
#PBS -j eo
#PBS -l walltime=0:10:00
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:nmics=1
#PBS -A <my_account>


module load superc

module load intel
module load intelmpi
#if necessary – i.e. math libraries
module load mkl

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/cineca/prod/compilers/intel/cs-xe-2015/binary/lib/mic:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
#if necessary – i.e. math libraries
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/cineca/prod/compilers/intel/cs-xe-2015/binary/mkl/lib/mic:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}

export I_MPI_MIC=enable
mpirun.mic -machinefile ${PBS_JOBID}_dev_hostfile ./exe.native.x

(*) you have to create the public key of the Galileo username in your $HOME from login node



Hybrid (OpenMP-MPI) Execution

You can compile your MIC-native codes as shown before using mpicc and -openmp and -mmic flags.

mpicc -O3 -openmp -mmic hyb_code.c
mpifc -O3 -openmp -mmic hyb_code.f


And then launch your code, using batch script as shown before, with mpi task distribution between MIC and exporting all environment variables nedeed.

export I_MPI_MIC=enable
mpirun.mic  -machinefile ${PBS_JOBID}_dev_hostfile -perhost 1 -np 2 \
-genv OMP_NUM_THREADS 120 ./a.out

In this example each MIC has one mpi task, each of them present 120 different threads.


Some examples

Here you'll find some example, together with source code for native mode (OpenMP, MPI, Hybrid parallelization) on MIC.


At present the use of the MICs and other accelerators is not accounted, only the time spent on the cpus is considered.

More details about "Accounting" can be found in the UserGuide (



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