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Disks and Filesystems

The storage organisation conforms to the CINECA infrastructure (see Section "Data storage and Filesystems") . In addition to the home directory ($HOME), for each user is defined a scratch area $CINECA_SCRATCH, a large disk for storing run time data and files. $WORK is defined for each active project on the system, reserved for all the collaborators of the project. This is a safe storage area to keep run time data for the whole life of the project.

The filesystem organisation is based on LUSTREm an ioen source parallel file system.

Total Dimension (TB)Quota (GB)Notes
50 GB quota per user
  • permanent/backed up, user specific, local
no quota
  • temporary, user specific, local
  • automatic cleaning procedure of data older than 50 days (time interval can be reduced in case of critical usage ratio of the area. In this case, users will be notified via HPC-News)
1TB quota per project
  • permanent, project specific, local
  • extensions can be considered if needed (mailto:

It is also available a temporary storage local on compute nodes generated when the job starts and accessible via environment variable $TMPDIR. For more details please see the dedicated section of UG2.5: Data storage and FileSystems. On Galileo100 the $TMPDIR local area has ## GB of available space.

$DRES points to the shared repository where Data RESources are maintained. This is a data archive area available only on-request, shared with all CINECA HPC systems and among different projects.

$DRES is not mounted on the compute nodes. This means that you can't access it within a batch job: all data needed during the batch execution has to be moved on $WORK or $CINECA_SCRATCH before the run starts.

Use the local command "cindata" to query for disk usage and quota ("cindata -h" for help):

  > cindata

Modules environment

The software modules are collected in different profiles and organized by functional category (compilers, libraries, tools, applications,..).

On GALILEO100 the profiles are of two types, “domain” type (bioinf, chem-phys, lifesc,..) for the production activity and “programming” type (base and advanced) for compilation, debugging and profiling activities and that they can be loaded together.

"Base" profile is the default. It is automatically loaded after login and it contains basic modules for the programming activities (intel e gnu compilers, math libraries, profiling and debugging tools,..).

If you want to use a module placed under other profiles, for example an application module, you will have to load preventively the corresponding profile:

>module load profile/<profile name>
>module load autoload <module name>

For listing all profiles you have loaded you can use the following command:

>module list

In order to detect all profiles, categories and modules available on GALILEO100 the command “modmap” is available:


With modmap you can see if the desired module is available and which profile you have to load to use it.

>modmap -m <module name>

 Spack environment

In case you don't find a software you are interested in, you can install it by yourself. 
In this case, on GALILEO100 we also offer the possibility to use the “spack” environment by loading the corresponding module. Please refer to the dedicated section in UG2.6: Production Environment

Production environment

Since GALILEO100 is a general purpose system and it is used by several users at the same time, long production jobs must be submitted using a queuing system. This guarantees that access to the resources is as fair as possible.

Roughly speaking, there are two different modes to use an HPC system: Interactive and Batch. For a general discussion see the section "Production Environment".


serial program can be executed in the standard UNIX way:

> ./program

This is allowed only for very short runs, since the interactive environment set on the login nodes has a 10 minutes time limit: for longer runs please use the "batch" mode.

A parallel program can be executed interactively only by submitting an "Interactive" SLURM batch job, using the "srun" command: the job is queued and scheduled as any other job, but when executed, the standard input, output, and error streams are connected to the terminal session from which srun was launched.

For example, to start an interactive session with the MPI program "myprogram", using one node and two processors, you can launch the command:

> salloc -N 1 --ntasks-per-node=2 -A <account_name> --pty /bin/bash

SLURM will then schedule your job to start, and your shell will be unresponsive until free resources are allocated for you. If not specified, the default time limit for this kind of jobs is one hour.

When the shell returns a prompt inside the compute node, you can execute your program by typing:

> srun ./myprogram

The default SLURM MPI type has been set equal to PMI2.

SLURM automatically exports the environment variables you defined in the source shell, so that if you need to run your program "myprogram" in a controlled environment (i.e. with specific library paths or options), you can prepare the environment in the login shell and be sure to find it again in the interactive shell o the compute node.

As usual, on systems using SLURM, you can submit a script script.x using the command:

> sbatch script.x

You can get a list of defined partitions with the command:

> sinfo

For more information and examples of job scripts, see section Batch Scheduler SLURM.

Submitting serial Batch Jobs

The  partition will be  available in the full production.

Graphic session

A configuration of the RCM environment is in progress. This guide will be completed as soon as a final configuration will be implemented.

Submitting parallel Batch jobs

To run parallel batch jobs on GALILEO100 you need to specify the partition  and the qos that are described in this user guide.

If you do not specify the partition, your jobs will try to run on the default partition  g100_usr_prod.

The minimum number of cores you can request for a batch job is 1. The maximum number of cores that you can request is  (16 nodes). It is also possible to request a maximum walltime of 24 hours. Defaults are as follows:

  • If you do not specify the walltime (by means of the #SBATCH --time directive), a default value of 30 minutes will be assumed.

  • If you do not specify the number of cores (by means of the "SBATCH -n" directive) a default value of  will be assumed.

  • If you do not specify the amount of memory (as the value of the "SBATCH --mem" DIRECTIVE), a default value of 3000MB will be assumed.

  • The maximum memory per node is 118000MB


A special QOS (qos_special) is also available for not-ordinary types of jobs, such as a walltime larger than 24 hours. Since it violates our standard policy, there are restrictions in its usage, and users who want to use it need to be enabled by the User Support staff. Please write to in case you think you need to use it. Your request will be evaluated and, if approved, you will be allowed to use the special QOS for a limited period of time.

Use of GPUs on Galileo100

to be soon defined

Users with reserved resources

Users of projects that require reserved resources (such as industrial users or users associated to an agreement that involves dedicated resources) will be associated to a QOS qos_ind.

Using the  qos_ind (i.e. specifying the QOS in the submission script) , and specifying the partition g100_spc_prod, users associated to the allowed project will run their jobs on reserved nodes in the g100_spc_prod partition with the features and limites imposed for the particular account.

>#SBATCH --partition=g100_spc_prod
>#SBATCH --qos=qos_ind


In the following table, you can find all the main features and limits imposed on the SLURM partitions and QOS.




# cores per job

max walltime

max running jobs per user/

max n. of cpus/nodes per user

max memory per node





noQOS2 nodes


on nodes with GPUs





min = 1

max =  16 nodes

min = 1

max =192

min =16

max = 64 nodes








Every account have a valid QOS

qos_ind to access this partition

Depending on the QOS used by the particular account




Partition dedicated to specific kind of users.



Partition reserved to meteo services, NOT opened to production


_ fino a qui_
