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System A2 (Knights Landing) - out of production since January, 2020

Model: Lenovo Adam Pass

Racks: 50
Nodes: 3.600
Processors: 1 x 68-cores Intel Xeon Phi 7250 CPU (Knights Landing) at 1.40 GHz
Cores: 68 cores/node (272 with HyperThreading),  244.800 cores in total
RAM: 16 GB/node of MCDRAM and 96 GB/node of DDR4

Peak Performance: 11 PFlop/s

(see details in UG3.1.2)

System A3 (Skylake)

Model: Lenovo Stark

Racks: xx
Nodes: 3188
Processors: 2 x 24-cores Intel Xeon 8160 CPU (Skylake) at 2.10 GHz
Cores: 48 cores/node
RAM: 192 GB/node of  DDR4
Peak Performance: xx PFlop/s


Network type: Intel Omnipath, 100 Gb/s. At the time of setup, MARCONI was the largest Omnipath cluster in the world.
Network topology: Fat-tree 2:1 oversubscription tapering at the level of the core switches only.
Core Switches: 5 x OPA Core Switch "Sawtooth Forest", 768 ports each.
Edge Switch: 216 OPA Edge Switch "Eldorado Forest", 48 ports each.
Maximum system configuration: 5(opa) x 768 (ports) x 2 (tapering) → 7680 servers.

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KNL is the evolution of Knights Corner (KNC), available on GALILEO until January 2018. The main differences between KNC and KNL are:


This supercomputer is available to European researchers as a Tier-0 system of the PRACE ( infrastructure, as well as to Italian public and industrial researchers.

Part of this system (MARCONI_Fusion)  is reserved for the activity of EUROfusion ( Details on the MARCONI_Fusion environment are reported in a dedicated document.


All the login nodes have an


Applications compiled for KNL are binary compatible with regular computing nodes.

KNL supports Intel AVX-512 instruction set extensions. The same three login nodes serve the Marconi-Broadwell (Marconi-A1) and the Marconi-KNL (Marconi-A2) partitions and queueing systems.

Storage devices are in common between the two partitions.

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This supercomputer is available to European researchers as a Tier-0 system of the PRACE ( infrastructure, as well as to Italian public and industrial researchers.

Part of this system (MARCONI_Fusion)  is reserved for the activity of EUROfusion ( Details on the MARCONI_Fusion environment are reported in a dedicated document.


All the login nodes have an identical environment and can be reached with SSH (Secure Shell) protocol using the "collective" hostname:


#SBATCH -p bdw_all_serial

Submitting Batch jobs for A2 partition

On MARCONI it is possible to submit jobs requiring different resources by specifying the corresponding partition. If you do not specify the partition, your jobs will run on the bdw_all_serial partition.

If you do not specify the walltime (by means of the #SBATCH --time directive), a default value of 30 minutes will be assumed.

[username@r000u07l02 ~]$

With respect to the previous configuration. submission process results simplified. You do not more need to load the specific "env-knl" module to submit jobs on partitions based on Knights Landing processors. Instead, you simply need to specify the correct partition using the "SBATCH -p directive. Choosing a knl_***_*** partition, you will be sure to work on KNL nodes.

Each KNL node exposes itself to SLURM as having 68 cores (corresponding to the physical cores of the KNL processor). Jobs should request the entire node (hence, #SBATCH -n 68), and the KNL SLURM server is configured so that to assign the KNL nodes in an exclusive way (even if less ncpus are asked). Hyper-threading is enabled, hence you can run up to 272 processes/threads on each assigned node.

The configuration of the Marconi-A2 partition allowed to require different HBM modes (on-package high-bandwidth memory based on the multi-channel dynamic random access memory (MCDRAM) technology) and clustering modes of cache operations:

#SBATCH --constraint=flat/cache

Please refer to the official Intel documentation for a description of the different modes.

For the queues serving the Marconi FUSION partition, please refer to the dedicated document.

The maximum memory which can be requested is 86000MB for cache/flat nodes:

#SBATCH --mem=86000

(the default measurement unity, if not specified, is MB)

For flat nodes the jobs can require the KNL high bandwidth memory (HBM)  using Slurm's Generic RESource (GRES) options:

#SBATCH --constraint=flat
#SBATCH --mem=86000

For example, to request a single KNL node in a production queue the following SLURM job script can be used:

#SBATCH -A <account_name>
#SBATCH --mem=86000
#SBATCH -p knl_usr_prod
#SBATCH --time 00:05:00
#SBATCH --job-name=KNL_batch_job
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH --mail-user=<user_email>
srun ./myexecutable 


Submitting Batch jobs for A3 partition






QOS# cores per job
max walltime

max running jobs per user/

max n. of cpus/nodes per user

max memory per node


priorityHBM/clustering modenotes



(default partition)


max = 6

(max mem= 18000 MB)


6 cpus



min = 1

max = 48




runs on 24 nodes shared with the debug queue on SKL


A2 knl_usr_dbgno QOS

min = 1 node

max = 2 nodes


86000 (cache)


runs on 144 dedicated nodes

A2knl_usr_prodno QOS

min = 1 node

max = 195 nodes

24:00:001000 nodes

86000 (cache)



min = 196 nodes

max = 1024 nodes



86000 (cache)


#SBATCH -p knl_usr_prod

#SBATCH --qos=knl_qos_bprod

qos_special>1024 nodes       >24:00:00 (max = 195 nodes for user)                                      86000 (cache)        40

#SBATCH --qos=qos_special

request to

A3skl_usr_dbgno QOS

min = 1 node

max = 4 nodes

runs on 24 dedicated nodes
A3skl_usr_prodno QOS

min = 1 node

max = 64 nodes

24:00:0064 nodes18200040



max = 256



1 jobs per account


#SBATCH -p skl_usr_prod

#SBATCH --qos=skl_qos_bprod

qos_special>256 nodes


(max = 64 nodes for user)

                          182000        40

#SBATCH --qos=qos_special

request to

qos_lowpriomax = 64 nodes24:00:0064 nodes1820000
#SBATCH --qos=qos_lowprio
