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The CINECA AI project can be used in several ways, depending on the method more suited to your needs and on the availability of conda/pip packages.

NOTE: at present the cineca-ai tool is available in MARCONI100 environment (versions from 1.0.0 to 2.0.2) and GALILEO100 (version 2.0.2).

1. Loading cineca-ai module

The first way to use the cineca-ai environment goes through the loading of the module:


If you need to use a package not included in the list of those provided by the cineca-ai modules, you can always rely on the cineca-ai environment for the dependencies and install what you need within a personal virtual environment and/or a conda environment.

1.1 install additional packages within a virtual environment

If your package is available to pip:


$ module load profile/deeplrn
$ module load autoload cineca-ai/2.1.0
$ python -m venv torch_venv  --system-site-packages
$ source torch_venv/bin/activate
$ pip install torch-scatter

2. create a personal conda environment with selected packages from CINECA channel

Code Block
module load autoload cineca-ai/<version> 
conda create --prefix <mycondaenv> -y
conda activate <mycondaenv>
# see all packages in the channel
conda search -c $CINECA_AI_CHANNEL --override-channels
# install a package from the channel

2.1 install additional packages within a virtual environment

Code Block
# after activating <mycondaenv> and installed the needed prerequisites of PACKAGE from CINECA channel
python -m venv <myvenv> --system-site-packages
source <myvenv>/bin/activate
pip install PACKAGE

2.2 install additional packages within a conda environment

Code Block
# after activating <mycondaenv> and installed the needed prerequisites of PACKAGE from CINECA channel, install the additional packages
conda install PACKAGE1
conda install -c conda-forge PACKAGE2


  • for some packages you need to explicit the external channel to use, e.g. conda-forge

2.3 install additional packages within a conda and a virtual environment

Code Block
# after activating <mycondaenv> and installed the needed prerequisites of PACKAGE from CINECA channel, install the additional conda packages
conda install PACKAGE
# create a virtual env and install the additional pip packages
python -m venv <myvenv> --system-site-packages
source <myvenv>/bin/activate
pip install PACKAGE


$ module load autoload cineca-ai/2.1.0
$ conda create --prefix <mycondaenv> -y
$ conda activate <mycondaenv>
$ conda install -c $CINECA_AI_CHANNEL mpi4py jaxlib jax dm-tree mpi4jax
$ conda install cmake h5py -y
$ conda install -c conda-forge llvmlite=0.38.0 orjson -y
$ python -m venv <myvenv> --system-site-packages
$ source <myvenv>/bin/activate
$ pip install 'git+[all]'

3. clone the CINECA channel in your personal channel

Code Block
conda create --prefix <mycondaenv> --clone /cineca/prod/opt/libraries/cineca-ai/<version>/none/cineca-ai-conda-env-py3.8-cuda-openmpi-11.0 -y
conda activate mycondaenv
# see all packages in the channel
conda search -c <mycondaenv> --override-channels
# install a package from your personal channel
conda install -c <mycondaenv> PACKAGE
