Versions Compared


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This is the MPI implementation of Intel and doesn't support CUDA. 

To install MPI applications using Intel MPI you have to load intel-oneapi-mpi module (use "modmap  -m intel-oneapi-mpi command to see the available versions).


Scientific libraries

Linear Algebra


GPU accelerated

The nvidia math libraries are available by loadind "nvhpc" module (use "modmap -m nvhpc" command to see the available versions of nvhpc).

For the rest of not nvidia math libraries installed with gcc compiler and cuda support they are available by loading the corresponding module .e.g "module load magma/<vers>".  Notice that when you load the module of any GPUs accelerated library of these libraries the CUDA module is not automatically loaded).

  • BLAS: nvidia cublas, magma 
  • LAPACK: nvidia cusolver, magma 
  • SCALAPACK:  slate 
  • EIGENVALUE SOLVERS: nvidia cusolver, magma (single-node), slate, elpa and slepC (multi-node) 
  • nvidia cuSPARSE 
  • SPARCE MATRICES and : nvidia cuSPARSE, PetSc (multi-node)Hypre , SuperLU-dist (multi-node)
  • SuperLU-dist Hypre (multi-node)


 CUDA not supported 
  • BLAS: openblas,  intel-oneapi-mkl
  • LAPACK: openblas, intel-oneapi-mkl
  • SCALAPACK:  netlib-scalapack, intel-oneapi-mkl

Fast Fourier Transform


GPU accelerated

The nvidia math libraries are available by loadind "nvhpc" module (use "modmap -m nvhpc" command to see the available versions of nvhpc). 

  • nvidia cuFFT/cuFFTW (single-node)


CUDA not supported
  • FFTW (single and multi-node)
